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Sketching Pencils

3rd Year Collection

"Love Story: Perfectly Imperfect"

My concept is “Love Story: Perfectly Imperfect”, this idea evolved to demonstrate that love is not perfect, the same way no one is. To truly love someone, you must love all of them both flaws and strengths and that is the beauty of love. The idea behind this concept evolved through the common perception by many, including myself, that love is a fairy tale, but when you get down to the grit of it, nothing is actually truly perfect – not even love. From this thought, using research and inspiration from the movies “Pride and Prejudice”, “Beauty and the Beast” and “Romeo and Juliet” seemed the right way to go as these love stories are not “perfect” and straight forward, but also the “ugly” side of the love. It is important to see the imperfect side of love, the hard work is what makes it last, what makes it true and worth it in the end, what makes it perfectly imperfect. Research into the Japanese aesthetic principles of ‘Wabi-Sabi’, finding beauty in imperfection, and ‘Kintsukurg’, golden repair, have been very important steppingstones in the progression of my concept. They highlight the flaw and imperfections by finding a value in them. The philosophy behind it has a certain beauty which fits in well with what I am trying to convey in relation to perfectly imperfect and the nature of love. Therefore, it will help me greatly into translating the “philosophy” and meaning behind my concept into a tangible collection.

3rd Year Collection: Welcome
3rd Year Collection: Illustrations
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